Monday, November 24, 2008

Final Editing of Episode 2 Started

There has been word from local MTL officials:
that riots have been quelled.
This was made public after it was announced by someone that final editing of the Homebrew 101 - Episode 2 video clip had begun.

When asked about the facts, the brewlab officials declined to comment citing possible Quebec Election fever as the culprit in all the rumors.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Red Merlot - November 2008

This will be my first journey back into the real of home brewing. Last November 2007, Nina and I moved into a house. Because of the big post-move disorganisation I had put away my brew hobby: deep away. But I am now back in action, no longer brewing ale, but Wine!

Nina's father showed me the rudiments of wine making. I have started this 20L of red merlot using a simple pre-prepared Mosto from Magnifico (California). Everything was purchased at MTL Wine Store on Crémazie.